24 July 2012

Ayyara's Blog

let's to open my friend blog, her name is Ayyara O. B.
She's share : Story, about Fashion, about Artist and the else.
her blog is.. [Clik HERE]

05 July 2012

Muhammad Raynald Prasetya

Muhammad Raynald Prasetya, or Ray Prasetya is singer, drummer, guitaris, actor and the else.
he's finallis from Idola Cilik 3 until big 11, he's person who's be Rendy at Yang Masih Dibawah Umur.
Tiara, Rendy, Putri Mother
Rendy - Ray -
Tiara, Rendy, Putri Father

With YMDU Player
Rendy's wear red jacket 
and he's fans name is...


and i have many photos of he..
some of them...